Thursday, August 11, 2011

Melaka...the time capsule....

I just came back from outstation at that time, and my boss gave me 4 days leave. I went back to my hometown, Melaka, which is about 2 hours drive from Kuala Lumpur.  So, I planned to have a day all by myself to explore this historical city.
If you want to go around this city without being concern about traffic, go there on weekdays or early morning in the weekend. You don't want to stuck in the traffic there since Melaka always got very crowded during weekend, specially during public & school holiday. 

My first stop was  A’Famosa Fort, which located in the heart of the city. The fort was built by the Portuguese a few hundred years before after Melaka being conquered by them. Then I walked uphill the St. Paul hill to see the whole view of Melaka city. On top of St. Paul's Hill is the St. Paul's Church, once the prayer house of the Portuguese Catholics, then turned into burial ground for their noble dead by the Dutch. The tombstones have Latin and Portuguese inscriptions on them. I spend about an hour there taking pictures, enjoyed the panoramic view of Straits of Melaka while listening to Portuguese descendent playing guitar and sing some Portuguese songs.
The main gate of A'Famosa Fort..most of the fort had been destroyed by the Dutch when they attacked Portuguese.

St. Paul hill

St. Paul church at the top of St. Paul Hill

Inside the St. Paul church

St. Paul viewed from the foot of the hill

Then, I walked downhill to Studhuys building also known as The Red Building by the locals. The building was built in the year 1650 as residence of the Dutch Governors and officers after they managed to force the Portuguese to surrendered Melaka to them. There’s stalls that sell souvenirs and there is also a photo booth if you want to take a photo with iguana and albino python. There’s also Melaka Trishaw lining in front of the building, waiting for customers. Melaka trishaw is special compare to others because of its colorful decoration and their friendly trishaw cycler.
The Studhuys' clock tower

Trishaw line up in front of the studhuys building..ready to be ride.

The red building

Jonker Street at day time
 I stop for a coffee break at Jonker Street and the coffee was so cheap! It cost me only 60 cents per cup and the coffee do taste great! Then I continued my journey exploring the shops along Jonker Street. Jonker Street famous for its night market, where the shop’s owner set up a stall in front of their shop and sell a various types of things, from souvenirs and clothing to homemade candy, dried squids and many types of traditional junk food. Since I was there before the market open, I only managed to take Jonker Street photo in a day time, without the usual crowded and happening market. After do all the shopping, I strolled down the river of Melaka, taking photos and enjoying the scenes.
water mill from Sultanate era

River cruise boats..

view of Melaka River, once was a famous harbour in the world hundred years ago

There are still a lot of places I did not manage to go during that day. Even though I went back to Melaka quite frequent, there are still a lot of new interesting places that I discovered every time I go there.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Penang (Part 1)

It was back then on 2010, when my friend and I planned to go travelling together to Penang, However, due to some circumstances, she couldn't make it. So I decided to travel to Penang alone...It was my first time driving and travel alone! I was really excited
I started my journey from Kuala Lumpur at 10am on Saturday, grab a breakfast at nearest McD, and then continued driving to Penang through North-South Plus Highway. The traffic that day was not so bad.. I managed to get there by 2pm.
My first stop was at Fort Cornwallis in Georgetown and the Clock Tower. I parked my car next to the fort just for 60 cents! It can be consider as really cheap to compare with other states in Malaysia.  Then, I walked around the Fort, took some pictures, integrated with other travelers, before enter the Fort. The fee was just MYR 2 per entry. I was welcomed warmly by two lovely ladies at the ticket counter.  The Fort somehow reminded me of A’Famosa Fort in Melaka. May be because both of them were made for the same reason, which was to defend the city from outside attack. I spend quite sometimes inside the fort, took pictures, read the history and also enjoyed the view from the upper part of the fort. Then, I strolled along Gurney Road before heading to this one colonial looks building. The building was made by the British before Malaysia gain her freedom. I only took the building photo from outside since they not allowed entering the building. I checked in at Tanjong Bungah Beach Resort Hotel at 5pm.
                                                                   "The Clock Tower"
                                           Fort Cornwallis main gate

                                             Beach along Gurney Road
One of the famous canon inside the fort.

At night, I went to Batu Feringghi Night Bazaar. It was located along Batu Feringghi main road, 20 minutes drive from Tanjong Bungah. The bazaar is almost 3km long. If you looking for a place to buy souvenirs, this is the best place to buy them! The sellers were friendly and they even offered to take my picture in front of their stalls! You must use your bargain skills in this night bazaar because the price can go down half of the price the tag on the goodies!

I bought fridge magnet as souvenir with reasonable price.

Next morning, I strolled down the beach and enjoy the view before I checked out from the hotel. Then, I went to Butterfly Farm in Teluk Bahang. It was really heavenly pretty! I felt like I’m in a fairy land from the first step I walked into the farm. Even though it is smaller compare to KL Butterfly Park, but it certainly more attractive and interesting to go. I spend almost 2 hours in that farm before I head back to KL.
Tanjong Bungah Beach

View from the hotel's lobby.

Love the butterflies!!

Me inside the butterfly farm.

Two days and one night visit surely not enough if you plan to visit all interesting places in Penang.  It only took me one minute to fall in love with Penang, which is when the moment I crossed the Penang Bridge to go to Penang Island. What makes me fall in love more with this city was its beautiful historical monument and building, beaches and of course the warm hearted Penangites!